It is now possible for Dealers to set their own parameters for red and amber tyre depths. Eg; if you want to flag tyres as red when the minimum depth reaches 2mm and amber when the minimum depth falls below 3mm, input 2.0 in the red box and 3.0 in the amber box.
Other basic settings are now also included in this area. These are;
Email communication address – When an email reminder is sent from the system, this is the address that it will appear to have come from. Replies will also be returned to this address.
Email and SMS messaging enabled – allows you to switch on or off the email and SMS function.
Email and SMS messaging time schedules – allows you to set the number of days before a deferred contact is due for the system to send an email or text.
Default Email and SMS messaging – ensures email and SMS messaging is always selected and forces the input of an email address and mobile phone number.
Print Report – allows you to select colour or black and white Health Check prints.