To add a deferred contact, advisory or urgent work to a Health Check that has already been signed off, do the following:
If the job is listed in ‘Pricing and Customer Authorisation’, expand the list of items by clicking on the vehicle details header. At the bottom of the work listing found by the technician, click either ‘Add Urgent’ or ‘Add Deferred’ to add an extra item to the list.
If the Health Check had no work found when it was signed off or the Health Check has already been priced and authorised, it will need to be found using the ‘Find Job’ link at the bottom left of the Workshop Management screen. After finding the vehicle Health Check, expand the list of items by clicking on the vehicle details header. At the bottom of the work listing found by the technician, click either ‘Add Urgent’ or ‘Add Deferred’ to add an extra item to the list.
The image below indicates where you can find the ‘Add Urgent’ and ‘Add Deferred’ options. Click the image to enlarge.